
Lore Hilven – CrossFit
Goal : improve overhead squat (Limburg)

“I went to Lisa (Functional Mobility) for a screening of my overhead squat because I thought my overhead mobility was bad. I also had back pain and was previously treated for this by another therapist, without looking for the underlying cause. In the end, the problem turned out to be mainly lower body and core stability and latissimus flexibility.

Based on this screening, I received targeted exercises. These were re-evaluated in subsequent sessions. Every session I made progress and the exercises were also adapted to this.
I am very grateful that I ended up with such a skilled and professional physiotherapist!

Even if you have no complaints, I recommend to do the screening.”

Elisa Peeters – Bodybuilding
IFBB European Champion 2022
Goal : Pain-free back and hip during squats (Limburg)

“I participate in bodybuilding competitions. So I am constantly working on my body. I contacted Lisa because I had some physical complaints and didn’t know where they came from.

After undergoing a very extensive screening, we found out where my pain came from and what I could do about it. I’m doing the program with Lisa now, to get back to my old self, without aches. I already notice a huge difference in my daily life.

Thank you Lisa!”

Joy Vigani – CrossFit and weightlifting
Goal : Improve mobility (Italy)

“I was always very interested in improving my mobility. Working with Lisa helped me a lot. I was already very enthusiastic after our first session together. A systematic approach was applied and all my individual characteristics were taken into account.

After just a few weeks I already saw a pleasant progress that kept me motivated to keep doing the exercises. From session to session, based on the progress I made, we would scale up the difficulty of the exercises, which was essential to not be overwhelmed by the difficulty.

Step by step and you will reach your goal.”