Individual Screening and Programming

Individual screening & programming

Overview :

  1. Intake
  2. Manual clinical examination (usually in case of injury)
  3. Screening (full or partial screening is possible)
    • Fundamental movement patterns
      (such as squat, overhead position, front rack, deadlift, …)
    • Mobility tests (lower body – upper body)
    • Stability tests (lower body – core – upper body)
  4. Results are discussed
  5. Manual therapy (usually in case of injury)
  6. Individualized training program
  7. Follow-up sessions

Our session starts with an intake to find out aspects such as training goals, training schedule, possible injury risks, the underlying cause if injured, injury and sports history, etc. In case of injury it’s important to perform a manual clinical examination.

Then we continue with a thorough screening based on fundamental movement patterns, mobility and stability tests. The movements are analyzed by videos and photos so that this is very clear to the athlete. This is also very useful to compare the images of the intake with the images of the follow-up sessions.

Based on the intake and screening tests, we start our treatment.  If an athlete needs manual therapy (usually in case of injury) this is my first step to get rid of blockages, muscle tension or other types of pain. If the athlete and I both agree that manual therapy is of no use, we start immediately with exercise therapy.

The athlete receives a specific and individualized program. Everything is clearly explained. Injuries and available materials are taken into account. We decide together whether we see each other weekly or occasionally for follow-up (eg. every 4 to 8 weeks).

During our follow-up sessions screening tests are re-evaluated. The program will be adapted to these results. Usually we see a good progress after 4 weeks and new exercises are given if interested.

If it’s not possible to come to our practice due to the distance, we can help you through online programs and online meetings. These will also be based on an individual screening.

Practical information

  • Location :
    • Multidisciplinary group practice ‘Move’ (
    • Neeroeterenstraat 43, 3680 Maaseik (Opoeteren), Belgium

  • Duration :
    • Screening : 1,5 – 2 hours
    • Follow-up : 1,5 hour
  • Price :
    • Screening : € 148 (2h)  
    • Follow-up : € 102 (1,5h)
    • Report: € 34

      Depending on your health insurance and in which country you live, you will get a refund. For example, Belgian athletes need a doctor’s prescription to get the refund from their health insurance. Dutch athletes should check their health insurance.

    • !! We ask an advance of € 50  which you deposit to our account number. Please provide a proof of payment.
      Only then your appointment is confirmed.

  • What do you take with you :
    • ID
    • Prescription of the doctor & sticker of health insurance fund
    • Screenshot of payment (advance)
    • Big towel
    • Wear sport clothes & bring your CrossFit / fitness / weightlifting shoes

In this brochure you will also find all the information in Dutch: click here

I look forward to helping you !

Interested in a screening? Fill out the form and get in touch!