Mobility & Stability Seminars

What are the Mobility & Stability Seminars about?

Mobility and stability are crucial for CrossFit, olympic weightlifting, powerlifting and (functional) fitness. These 2 components cannot be missed if you want to improve your performance faster and prevent injuries.

Mobility allows your joint and/or muscle to move freely over its entire range. Stability ensures that you can control that movement and end range positions. Building more strength and stability in these end range positions can give you even greater mobility. 

But first it’s important to know the basics and fundamentals. That’s what these seminars are for.

Overview of the Mobility Seminar :  

Are you a novice or advanced CrossFitter or weightlifter and do you want to be able to perform a squat, overhead squat, front rack or handstand more comfortably? Do you struggle with certain mobility issues? Do you have any complaints or injuries due to mobility problems? Can’t get deep enough into that squat? Can’t get your foot position more straight in your squat due to mobility? Then this seminar is perfect for you! 

90 minute – Mobility Seminar : 

  1. Brief theory about injury prevention and the importance of mobility in our strength sports 
  2. Mobility exercises per joint (ankle, hip, back, shoulder)
  3. Tips about practicing your own mobility 

4 hour – Mobility Seminar : 
  1. Brief theory about injury prevention and the importance of mobility in our strength sports 
  2. Screening of your squat, front squat and overhead squat
  3. Screening of your MOBILITY through tests
    (e.g. ankle/hip/back/shoulder mobility)
  4. Perform mobility exercises per joint
  5. Tips about practicing your own mobility 

Overview of the Stability Seminars :

Are you a novice or advanced CrossFitter or weightlifter and do you struggle with stability or strength in your lunge, pistol squat, clean, snatch or handstand? Having trouble getting that shift out of your squat? Can’t get rid of that difference in strength between your left and right arm / leg? Certain complaints that don’t go away? Then these seminars are perfect for you! 

There are 2 Stability Seminars : The Lower Body Module & The Upper Body Module. 

3 hour – Lower Body Module :  

  1. Screening of dynamic movements : pistol squats, lunges, cleans, single leg squats, …
  2. Screening of your STABILITY through stability tests
    (core, knee and foot stability)
  3. Perform stability exercises per joint, e.g. core stability, knee stability
  4. We finish with some advanced lower body stability & mobility drills

3 hour – Upper Body Module :

  1. Screening of dynamic movements : wall walks, handstand walks, snatch, overhead squats, …
  2. Screening of your STABILITY through stability tests
    (core, shoulder and shoulderblade stability)
  3. Perform stability exercises per joint, e.g. shoulder stability 
  4. We finish with some advanced upper body stability & mobility drills.

Join us for the seminars

Sneak peek of our previous seminars

Practical Information

Who can participate?

  • Everyone with a passion for CrossFit, olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman, bodybuilding or (functional) fitness. 
  • Coaches, personal trainers, physios, … 
  • No entry requirements (such as a certain degree or diploma)

Location, time and date

  • Go to ‘Upcoming seminars’ for location, time and date


  • Mobility seminar (theory + exercises per joint)  : 90 minutes 
  • Mobility seminar (theory + screening + exercises per joint) : 4 hours 
  • Stability seminar upper body (theory + screening + upper body exercises) : 3 hours 
  • Stability seminar lower body (theory + screening + lower body exercises) : 3 hours

Number of participants

  • 90 minute – mobility seminar : Min 20p. Max 30p 
  • 4 hour – mobility seminar : Min 16p. Max 20p 
  • 3 hour – mobility seminar : Min 16p. Max 20p 
  • Members and non-members can join the seminars


  • Dutch or English 

Included in 3 & 4 hour – seminars: 

  • Screening document with guidelines and screening tests
  • PDF with screening tests and exercises (will be sent afterwards and can be translated to English if needed)
  • Certificate
  • A drink and snack (unless the box wants to provide this itself)
  • 5 coaches can participate for free (also for 90 minute – mobility seminars) 
  • Your box will be advertised via our social media
  • Lots of fun and new knowledge


  • Go to ‘Upcoming Seminars’